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Self-Sovereignty Solutions

Social Preferencing



1)The reader will not likely be able to understand the purpose and meaning of this page unless s/he has first read the treatise Social Meta-Needs: A New Basis for Optimal Interaction.

2) For the first time reader it is probably best to not use the links from the capitalized words to their definitions. Instead, for a first reading it is strongly suggested that the reader simply attempt to use the vernacular meaning of a capitalized word which seems appropriate to the context in which it is used in this document. After in this manner obtaining a glimmer of what Social Preferencing is about and how it operates, the reader will then be in a better position to more fully understand it on a second reading by first reading the Natural Social Contract (NSC) in which all the linked words are defined, partly by means of their usages within the contract clauses, and are given additional explanations in the annotation pages to the NSC. Even though related, the meanings and usages of the linked capitalized words are often quite significantly different than any of their vernacular usages, and such differences will only become fully clear by using a circular approach to learning. Only by doing so will it be possible to fully understand the meaning and operation of Social Preferencing and the Natural Social Contract, which together form the implementation of the Theory of Social Meta-Needs.

3) The creators of the Self-Sovereign Individual Project (Paul and Kitty Antonik Wakfer) are well aware that some of the strong Identification Required by the NSC and the additional Personal openness described and promoted in this page might be inadvisable and perhaps even personally dangerous to implement in the current social context of rampant Violational activities particularly, and worst of all, including those of all governments. The strong Identification methods described and promoted on this page are assumed to be operating in a Freeman Society where the vast majority of InterActing individuals are Freemen or dependents of Freemen and the purpose of this Identification is both to prevent such Violations by ensuring that they are fully Restituted and to bring the discriminatory influence of Social Preferencing to bear on other types of behavior that is not conducive to optimally increasing the Lifetime Happiness of all Freemen together.

The Universal Communications Network: Its Essential Contribution to Social Order

A unique Social Identity:
InterPersonal Openness both
with acquaintances and on the
Universal Communications Network
Expedites Optimal Exchanges

As introduced in an Annotation to the Natural Social Contract, and more strongly argued in the Social Preferencing section of the treatise Social Meta-Needs: A New Basis for Optimal Interaction, not only is it of immense Benefit to all those with whom a Freeman InterActs in hir (his/her) daily life, for a Freeman to be completely open and forthright about hirself, but more generally, fully Public and easily findable Information about every Freeman is of paramount importance to enable Freemen to ascertain the Social Attributes of each other (ie. their Personal Social Characteristics). In order for such Information to be complete, this necessarily includes the maintenance of either one unique identity or links to all aliases that have ever been used. Since if aliases are used, the reasonable question of what was the reason for doing so quite naturally arises, it is always preferable, in the sense of presenting unquestionable integrity in order to optimally attract Social InterActions with others, to maintain only one identity right from the start (childhood) and for all of one's life. Such openness and total forthrightness about all Socially relevant Personal Information greatly aids each Freeman to conduct a full scrutiny and assessment of all Social Actions of any Freeman with whom s/he is already InterActing or about to InterAct, so that s/he can optimize hir Choices in the marketplace of Social InterActions. Full Publication on the Universal Communications Network (UCN - think of it as the successor to the Internet) thus forms the primary means by which Freemen have both the knowledge and the incentive to deal with each other in a manner that enables each to optimally increase hir Lifetime Happiness. The UCN is the most basic and important component of Social Ordering Technologies that are now possible, but were not in the recent and more distant past (which is one reason why the Theory of Social Meta-Needs was not practical then and, thus, likely why no one ever discovered it or at least, no one ever documented such thoughts).

Property Registration:
Aids Protection, Respect
and Restitution

Having Identifying Information about the various physical assets of Freemen Published on the UCN is also important to help prevent UnIntentional Violations of many kinds including Property Damage and Theft (both of which, as defined in the Natural Social Contract, may be UnIntentional). Making such Information available will greatly aid the mutually desired fullest cooperation of all Freemen to respect (merely in the sense of not Damage or Harm, whether Intentional or not) the Property (including the Person) of one another and to work together to develop ways to minimize UnIntentional Harms to one another, so that together each can, at one and the same time, optimally increase hir Lifetime Happiness.

Social Preferencing: The Ultimate Effector of Social Order

Marketplace Assessment of
Personal Social Characteristics

In order for a Society to work effectively (to be highly conducive to the goal of each of its participants of optimally increasing hir Lifetime Happiness), Information about the InterRelational Attributes (Personal Social Characteristics) of all participants must be as easily available as is the Evaluative Information about products and services in the marketplace. In the same manner as, and for exactly the same reasons for which, each Freeman needs to ascertain, assess and Evaluate the Attributes of any product or service in order to Decide whether or not to Initiate a Connection, enter into a Relationship (ie. become Involved) and then Exchange Value with the Owner of the product or provider of the service (ie. to purchase it), so does a Freeman also need to ascertain, assess and Evaluate the Personal Social Characteristics of another Freeman in order to Decide whether or not and to what extent s/he wishes to Initiate a Connection, to become Involved and to Exchange Personal Values (actually a kind of Service, but one which is not normally priced, because of the small or highly variable amount of resources required to provide it) with that Freeman. Information about each Freeman's Evaluation of the Social Actions of other Freemen communicated by means of Social Preferencing (also describable as Rational Actions of discrimination) is the primary effector of the self-ordering Process of Social InterActions in precisely the same manner as Information about the buying and selling prices of goods and services is the primary effector of the self-ordering Process of a free market. The method implemented in the Natural Social Contract by means of Requiring full Identifying Information and other Information Searchably Linked to it, which is of paramount importance for Evaluating a Freeman, is merely the first step to implement the necessary openness and fluidity of Personal Information needed to accomplish adequate and effective Social Preferencing. The items that are Required by the NSC to be included are merely the minimum essential elements. Once the reason for this openness and fluidity of Personal Character Information is clearly understood, Freemen will wish to keep as much Information about themselves as possible available to each other since doing so will bolster the credibility and solidity of their Personal reputations and make Connecting to them more attractive to other Freemen.

The totality of Published
Information about a Freemen,
both from hirself and others'
reports about hir, determines
the Social ratings of hir
Personal Social Characteristics

Another use for this Publicly available repository of Personal Information will be the posting of reports of both positive behaviors - ones that the reporter thinks will be likely to promote or enable an increase in the Lifetime Happiness of all, and negative behaviors - ones that the reporter thinks will be likely to reduce the Lifetime Happiness of all, but which are still not Violations. Examples of such negative but Non-Violational behavior are continuing to Possess Stolen Property, aiding and abetting Violators, not returning Value for UnRequested Benefits that one clearly Values or simply being verbally abusive to other Freemen. A Freeman could post descriptions of such behavior in hir own area of the UCN (paid for by hirself, of course), but with a link to the Freeman about whom s/he is reporting. This would be the basis for Social Preferencing, which thus functions as a kind of rating system by any Freeman with respect to both positive and negative behaviors of any other Freeman. But note that Social Preferencing would be a completely open and specific rating system with the rating Freeman also liable to be negatively rated to the extent that hir ratings did not match that of others. This is the manner in which subjectivity would in the end become determined, just as does the subjective Evaluations of those buying and selling on the market become the determined Value of any good or service. There will likely be a large market for software that will search the UCN for all Public Information about any Freeman with respect to certain parameters that were chosen by its user and generate a report for the user about the Freeman being checked. There will likely be service agencies that generate reports about any requested characteristics of Freemen, just as simple background checks are done today. As stated before, any specific item on any such report about a given person will be weighted by the historical credibility of those providing the rating for that item, and in addition, a report on a given person will include hir own credibility in rating others. Through such an iterative process (which computer programming is well able to accomplish) all the Published Information about any Freeman, both of hir direct Actions and hir reports about others will become part of hir Socially determined rating with respect to various Personal Characteristics in the marketplace of Freeman InterAction desirability. This process will have the effect of establishing a fluidly informative market in Freeman InterActions. Note that this process is entirely similar to how the desirability of Attributes of good and services, and their prices, becomes determined by the preferencing Actions and reports of purchasers and users in the current marketplace.

Freemen will preferentially
InterAct with other Freemen
because of agreement about
methods of Social order and
easy determination of others'
Personal Social Characteristics

A primary reason for becoming a Freeman and Publishing one's Status as a Freeman is to enable Connections and the establishment of Personal and business Relationships with other Freemen. Freemen will preferentially choose to deal with other Freemen because such Relationships will be based on mutually understood ordering principles and methods which will allow a general increase in the productive output of such Relationships (more Benefit and less Harm to all parties). Thus, all other things being equal, a Freeman will benefit more from a Relationship with another Freeman than from a Relationship with a non-Freeman. This having been said, however, the number of human specialties is so large that unless and until there are large numbers of Freemen in a wide variety of occupations, most of the relationships of Freemen with other humans will necessarily be with non-Freemen. Therefore, another major reason for a Freeman to make hir Freeman Status widely known, certainly to all those who have specialties from which s/he will Benefit, is to inform and persuade them to become Freemen themselves in order to increase both hir and their own Lifetime Happiness.

For ideas and examples of Social Preferencing in the current society see:

Anonymity - Hazard, Not Protection; Limitation, not Enhancement.
Personal Characteristics as Market Commodities.
Social Preferencing - Evaluation and Choice of Association; A Method for Influence.
Tax/Regulation Protests are Not Enough: Relationship of Self-Responsibility and Social Order
